This is a solution to the Suite landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for interactive elements
Built with
Code Quality with
Implementation time
This challenge was completed over a span of 3 hours.
Project Highlights
This project was an excellent opportunity for me to showcase my layout expertise, particularly in stacking various elements in an aesthetically pleasing and responsive manner.
A noteworthy aspect of this endeavor was the optimization of visual elements; I implemented the use of eight distinct image variants for a single visual content. By employing the picture
element and next/image
, I allowed the browser to selectively deliver the most suitable image based on the display criteria, ensuring an optimal balance of image quality and performance. For instance:
<picture>{/* Display the large images for desktops */}<sourcemedia="(min-width: 640px)"srcSet="/image-jeremy-large.png 1x, /image-jeremy-large@2x.png 2x"type="image/png"/><sourcemedia="(min-width: 640px)"srcSet="/image-jeremy-large.webp 1x, /image-jeremy-large@2x.webp 2x"type="image/webp"/>{/* Display the small images for mobile */}<sourcemedia="(max-width: 639px)"srcSet="/image-jeremy-small.png 1x, /image-jeremy-small@2x.png 2x"type="image/png"/><sourcemedia="(max-width: 639px)"srcSet="/image-jeremy-small.webp 1x, /image-jeremy-small@2x.webp 2x"type="image/webp"/>{/* Fallback image */}<Imagesrc="/image-jeremy-small.png" // Default imagealt="Jeremy's Portrait"layout="responsive"width={300}height={500}className="max-h-[25.125rem] lg:max-h-[37.5rem]"/></picture>